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Debt collection

SOFFAL advises and supports you in all matters concerning the collection of your receivables. We provide you with comprehensive advice in German or French based on our many years of experience in this field.

In order to obtain payment of your overdue receivables quickly and easily, we offer a range of services specifically for the collection of receivables. 

  • A tailor-made solution 

After a thorough analysis of your situation, we offer you a tailor-made solution, adapted to both your expectations and the specificities of the debt concerned. In doing so, we base ourselves on all the French and European Community law provisions in order to ensure you an efficient and fast recovery. 

  • A low-cost solution 

Our fees are fixed at the beginning of our relationship, ensuring you a fixed amount of fees established in advance. Thanks to our support, you can devote yourself entirely to the development of your business and your new client relationships. You save time and money. 

  • An efficient solution 

On average, 25% of the cases result in immediate payment of the outstanding debt by the debtor as soon as our firm takes charge of the case. 

The recovery of your debts should not be neglected, its impact is twofold: not only does it allow for a non-negligible increase in your cash flow, but it also allows for the realization of an exceptional gain when the unpaid debt has already been written off. 

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Marc PLEGER conseille depuis plus de 15 ans des entreprises françaises et étrangères - principalement allemandes et autrichiennes - implantées en France ou non, dans tous les domaines du droit des affaires.

Marc PLEGER, Associé, Avocat au Barreau de Paris

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