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Property law / inheritance

A service specially designed for families, managers, shareholders and investors

An attentive and constructive listening coupled with a transdisciplinary approach to apprehend your patrimonial problems in their entirety 

Professionals, at your side, to manage, optimize and transmit your private and professional assets 

Coffra group, which has built its primary expertise on its Franco-German know-how, has been working for over 35 years for family businesses and individuals who have to deal with this international economic environment. Coffra group’s Wealth Management Department wishes to make the international expertise of its lawyers, jurists, accountants and auditors available to all. 

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J'accompagne en France et à l’international, des particuliers, des familles, des dirigeants, des actionnaires et des investisseurs.

Violaine BOUQUILLARD, Avocate à la Cour - Senior Counsel Paris- Responsable du Pôle Family Solutions

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