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Family solutions

Entrepreneurs, founders, shareholders, executives and investors, members of business families, spouses and children, heirs, legatees and beneficiaries, as well as members of contractual and hereditary communities of heirs: Do you need advice from an operational point of view in the areas of asset planning, transfer or liquidation and distribution? Our Family Solutions offer is aimed at you!

Our group of experts will assist you to solve your problems in the most efficient and realistic way. Our offered solutions are very broad and cover the following needs: 

  • Operational consulting includes wealth audits, valuation of movable and immovable assets, legal secretarial services, accounting and tax returns, implementation of projects for the acquisition and disposal of assets, assistance in personal tax audits and litigation, and assistance to individuals and families in the various stages of their lives. 
  • Wealth engineering advice includes organizing family governance and the status of executives, structuring relationships between shareholders, preventing and resolving their conflicts, organizing cash flows, optimizing the management of intangible, tangible and movable assets, providing financing for internal and external growth, and preparing for retirement. 
  • Transfer advice includes intra- and extra-family transfers, setting up the Dutreil pact, life insurance, sustainability funds and assignment of temporary usufruct, anticipating and assisting with tax payments, setting up compensation and collateral, managing all international aspects of the transfer and organizing philanthropy.
  • Liquidation and partition advice includes drafting prenuptial and gift agreements, organizing contractual and inheritance partitions, amicable partition operations, dissolving marital estates, organizing partitions and judicial estates, and valuing assets to be divided and liquidated. 

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